Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Missionaries

Here are the 14 newest West Indies missionaries

They are wonderful!

We even have a mango juggler (Elder Larson)!

They arrived last night, tired and happy. Before lunch they had orientation at the office, interviews with President Robison, and a group study session with me. This afternoon and evening they are out working in Trinidad. They will be teaching with great missionaries and members here and I can't wait to hear their stories. On more than one occasion new missionaries have found great families who later joined the church.

This evening we will have a devotional and tomorrow they travel to their assigned areas.

Here are Elders Risenmay, Findlay, and Bryan enjoying a musical break

This is Doris, the mission home housekeeper and a member of the Curepe Branch and Elder Barker. Here is a great story about them that happened today:

The missionaries had a break before going out to work and were milling around the mission home when Doris, the housekeeper walked up to brand new Elder Barker and said, "you will be in my branch." One of the assistants was standing nearby and was startled because we are making the big assignment/trainer announcement tonight. He thought someone had told her.

That didn't happen.

She said she looked at him and just knew he would be in her branch.

President Robison has to make all the assignments long before seeing any of the Elders but it looks like he isn't the one who decided where Elder Barker will serve.

It was a nice confirmation.


  1. Thank you for putting the picture of the new missionaries on, we were so excited to see that. Our son is one of them, Elder Roberts. He is way excited to be a missionary and we are so grateful for all you have already done for him and the other new elders.

  2. What an unbelievable sight! We hope to meet many of these fine young men in Guyana in the fall!

  3. I absolutely love your mission website as well as this blog. It will be fun to keep up on Elder Julian (my nephew).

  4. I was looking for Elder Julian,(my great nephew) and noticed Elder Vance(he is from my ward) Small world. I will enjoy keeping up with the news from your blog.
    Sandy LeSueur
    Mesa Az
    Emerald Acres Ward
