Monday, September 15, 2008

Zone conference time again - Suriname

We met with the fine Suriname and French Guiana missionaries today. The zone conference was wonderful!

These French speaking elders traveled from French Guiana to Suriname yesterday by car, canoe and taxi. They are on their way back home right now.
From Sept 08

President Robison isn't exactly a French elder but he likes to think he is (he served in the Paris France mission long before all that gray hair appeared)
From Sept 08

Here are the mighty Dutch speakers
From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08

and the Suriname couple missionaries
From Sept 08

We had the usual delicious lunch
From Sept 08

enjoyed by all
From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08

From Sept 08
This can't be real food
From Sept 08

After lunch energetic elders shot a few hoops
From Sept 08

I'd say there is some tall talent in the group (Elders McDaniel and Holtz)
From Sept 08

That's Elder Mecham peaking between the two 'towers' (Elder Holtz won the back-to-back height check by an inch).
From Sept 08

Here is why we don't encourage missionaries to play basketball before working
From Sept 08

Collecting pictures from the missionaries to use in the October slideshow
From Sept 08

Letters from home are sweet!
From Sept 08

No letters for this new member prospective missionary - but he loves that Liahona (especially because the September Dutch issue has a picture and article about the Suriname missionaries' service project - I'll post a picture of it when I can get one)
From Sept 08

Chatting in the breezeway
From Sept 08

Complicated handshakes to say - see you in six weeks
From Sept 08

Here's a special treat - today's Dutch musical number


  1. Sis.Robinson, What a blessing this blog is to the families of these missionaries! Elder Pence is my nephew and it was so great to see him and all the others. My son is serving in the Joao Pessoa, Brazil Mission and I would love to have this same see the happiness on their faces and feel of their spirits. You're truly an angel.

  2. Dear sister Robison, Thank you for updating this blog. It is so wonderfull to see my son, doing one of the things he realy enjoys, eating! You couldn't have made a better picture.

  3. Sister Robinson,

    I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see our son Elder Harding in the video singing in Dutch. His sister thinks she can even pick out his voice. She says it is because she had to sit next to him in sacrament meeting and listen to him sing. Thank you again so much. It is such a blessing to have this link with him. Our ward members log on to catch a glimpse of him in action. You're doing a wonderful service for so many families.

  4. My Mother called to say she thought she saw Elder Muse on this video, she said maybe I could tell. "Mom", I replied, "I would know him in the dark!" and yes, that is him!! I loved the singing, our family gathered around as we watched him and the other Elders, it would have been a great church commercial! I check the WIM blog regularly and copy pics of Elder Muse and his companions then send copies to family and friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping us updated and some of the behind-the scene things that we would never see otherwise. You are awesome Sister Robinson, our son thinks so too!!!

  5. Dear lanae,

    I tried to make the video a bit bigger so it is easier to see faces.

    Sister Robison

  6. Sis. Robison, How great to see our Elder Pence the very day the pictures were taken! He looks so happy and full of energy (playing b-ball) and singing and smiling. We really appreciate all you and your husband do for the Elders in your great mission!

  7. Dear Sister Robison,
    Thank you for sending us these photos of our son (Elder Blake Mecham) and those he is serving with. I is so great to have a mental picture of where he is and who he is with and see him in action.
    Your efforts are much appreciated.
    I am going to show this to my early morning seminary class. We have some future missionaries. I am sure it will help them to feel excited about their own missions.

    Sister Cathy Mecham
