We traveled to Canje zone conference Tuesday over the brand new Berbice River bridge (after flying to Guyana from Suriname) .
So no more of ferry! (like this - can you find us? we are there)
When we arrived we found wonderful elders

and a cow

Our overall theme was teaching by the spirit. We talked about establishing the church, evaluating teaching, light, and the School of the Prophets.
It was a great conference.
Christopher Jordan has been serving a full-time 'mini' mission for five months. He enters the Dominican Republic MTC in a few weeks and will be the most experienced missionary to ever walk through those doors! Today, President Robison, assisted by Elder Jordan's missionary district, set him apart as a full time missionary.

One the way home we drove through

Sister Robison,
The pictures are great as always. My son looks very happy. Thank you. Palmyra Village in Guyana looks very different from the one in New York.
We just love to see pictures of our missionary, as well as the other missionaries. Elder Averett looks fantastic, happy, peaceful, and still loving every minute of his mission. Thank you for all you do for them and for us back home.
Thank you,
Neina Orrillo (almost Averett!)
We love seeing all the pictures of where our Elder Lauritzen is serving. He looks great, you must be taking good care of him. I can't believe he is coming home in less than a month. I'm sure he is not excited about that! :)
I"ll have to admit - Elder Lauritzen seemed a bit stressed. It is hard to leave such a sweet work and most elders have a hard time anticipating the end of their missions even though they love home.
Sister Robison
We love you both so much - thank you for all you do with the wonderful West Indies missionaries. The pictures are such fun!
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