What is it like to finish a mission?
I think of the scripture phrase "great and terrible"
The elders love their missions with all their hearts and they must say painful good-byes to missionary brothers and to members they have grown to love.
They love the feeling of serving the Lord and the abundance of the spirit that accompanies this work.
They don't want it to end.
At the same time, they are excited to see family and friends - and move forward with their lives.
They come to us in the mission home looking more stressed than the new elders!
What a contrast it is to get to know the new elders on Monday and Tuesday and then bid farewell to great seasoned missionaries on Wednesday. They are all fine young men but the comparison is stunning. Something very special happens when missionaries serve the Lord with all their heart, might, mind and strength.
I don't think a picture can capture the difference - but here is a peek at before (left) and after (right)
Elder Beute

Elder Nielson

Elder Richardson

We try to help the departing elders with their transition.
We have a tradition.
At the end of a nice dinner with just the elders and us, we sit around the table and have a very open discussion about life after the mission. President Robison collects questions from the group and writes them on a big whiteboard (scary picture above). Then we talk about them one by one. It is a fun experience and a kind of transition from mission life to home.
Here they are - the first three to go home in 2009
Elders Beute, Nielsen, and Richardson

Having a little fun

1 comment:
It was really odd to see West Indies missionaries wearing suits! The look a little baggy, which isn't surprising. I know my son has lost around 50 lbs since he left on his mission!
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