President Robison receives email reports from each young elder as well as their success story of the week. The emails are, of course, confidential, however the success stories are shared around the mission. Elder Parrish, serving in Crabwood Creek, Guyana sent in the story of the 2008th West Indies baptism in 2008. Here it is
"Elder Kippins and I got a call from the Zone Leaders at 5 pm Wednesday afternoon. We just finished up a baptism earlier, and the excitement and suspense of when we would get the call saying the ball has dropped to 2008 was always on our mind. They said that "the ball dropped to 2007, and we need one more." Earlier we baptized a young man, and his brother was away during the day and wasn't baptized with him. So we grabbed the baptism clothes, and rode to his house. He got changed into the jumper, and we walked with his dad to the river behind his house ... At 6:24 p.m. the West Indies mission made history. #2008 was baptized, however it would only be another baptism if it wasn't for the 2007 baptisms that happened before it. I thank my Father in Heaven for this miracle."
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