Here is my first Picture of the Day (taken by Elder Mundy):

Doesn't Elder Guy look determined as he and Elder Barton perform this baptism in Tobago? You see, there is no font in Tobago so baptisms are done in the sea. Occasionally, the water doesn't calm down and cooperate. But dedicated Elders always find a way to get the job done. They told me that the water looked somewhat calm when they walked out but just as they finished the baptism a big wave rolled in. They quickly moved to shield and steady the young lady and took the hit themselves.
Here are a few more pictures of the baptism:

Missionary work is the best! (Elders Barton, Mundy, and Guy)
1 comment:
I'm sorry, but I just had to giggle a little bit when I saw the picture of the elders being tossed around by the wave. I guess I was picturing my brother in that situation. Oh the memories these boys will bring home. Maybe next time they should try just body surfing the wave in. :)
Elder Lauritzen's sister
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