This was Elder McDaniel's first visit to the islands - I just had to take a picture of him and Elder Williamson in front of the gorgeous turquoise water. Can you believe that this gorgeous spot is just a few steps from the airport runway where we just landed?
The Assistants chose Elder Stratton for their 'trust' activity.
President Robison had Elders Cromwell and McNeal role play contacting him. They did great!
Then he had them imagine they were Parley P Pratt and Wilford Woodruff and contact him again. Wow!
Sister Sherwood provided another fabulous lunch.
Brand new Elder Rosales, in the center, is enjoying his very first zone conference along with his new brothers, Elder Beute and Elder McNeal.
Sister Sherwood is quite the photographer. She created this stunning baptism bulletin board in the foyer
Here are the fine Island Zone Elders:
Elders Williams, Jailall, and Cromwell
Elder Ficklin, brother Cardugan (I'm sure I didn't spell that right) - a fabulous prospective missionary, Elder Kahaialii, and Elder Stratton
Elders Rosales, McNeal, Beute, and Parrish
There are two branches in St Lucia - Vieux Fort and Castries. Both branches are growing in numbers and strength. The Castries building quickly became too small for the members. Eighteen months ago attendance was in the 20s and now it is in the 80s.
If you want to see why, take a look here at Sister Sherwood's blog. The members are wonderful and the Sherwoods are doing amazing work with the youth.
So - the Castries Branch need more space - and they are getting it.
A chapel extension is underway:
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